”Collecting Love, Collecting Trash,” 2018
Copper, glass, light, neon, silver, steel, transformers, wire, wood
132 × 69 × 138 cm
(52 × 69 × 54 in)


Originally designed as a personal object, this small table accumulated components in my studio until I realized it had taken on the form of a sculpture. Its primary purpose was as a memorial, a place to remember friends and family, but also a place to experience the small joys of life in the form of light. 

”Collecting love, collecting trash,” 2018
Copper, glass, light, neon, silver, steel, transformers, wire, wood.
132 × 69 × 138 cm
(52 × 69 × 54 in)

Elias HANSEN lives and works in Oakland, CA. HANSEN is an American by blood, and has spent many years traveling America and has lived in all four corners, as well as deep in the middle of America.  HANSEN is a studio trained glassworker, and a self taught artist. 
